Tear Sheets

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Playing Catch-Up: FOTDs 11 and 13

Hey guys!! So I got these two FOTDs to share with you guys!!

These are Days 11 and 13 on the FOTD Challenge Calendar.

Day 11: All about liner. I kept this wearable because I was going to visit a bridal client and I didn't want to scare her away with crazy makeup!! LOL This look is actually deceptively simple, and not product-heavy at all.

On my eyes:
MAC MSF - Soft & Gentle all over the lid and under the brow bone
MAC Eyeshadow - Green Smoke in the crease
MAC Fluidline - Blacktrack (in waterline as well)
Covergirl Lash Blast Fusion Mascara - Blackest Black
NYX Eyebrow Cake Power - Dark Brown

On the Rest of my Face:
MAC Pro Longwear Foundation - NC40 mixed with MAC Select Cover Up - NW45 (I've got quite a tan and the NC40 is just far too light for me now)
ELF Complete Coverage Concealer Palette - Medium
NYX Loose Powder - Cancun Tan
La Femme Blush - Sienna
Avon Glazewear Intense Shine Lip Gloss - Maple Sugar

I really, really, REALLY loved this look!

FOTD Day 13 was themed "Mod". I've never thought that the mod look was good on me, because it's so very matte, but I decided to give it a whirl anyway! I was in a hurry to a gig and so didn't take a lot of photos.

On my eyes I used ELF Mineral Eyeshadow in Innocent, Avon Big Color Eye Pencil in Night Glisten and MAC Carbon, and then lined with MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack and L'Oreal Extra-Volume Collagen Mascara. I lef the brows fairly "undone" since they were either left totally alone or drawn in very thin and round. I skipped drawing in the "twiggies" on the lower lash line. I also made the eyes shape a little more modern by "winging" the crease shadow as well as the liner, whereas a true Mod look would have kept a very exaggerated, rounded eye socket shape. I kept my cheeks soft, matte and slightly rosy.

For lips I used a matte pink lip stick, but I applied it somewhat sheer, over chap stick.

In all I'm not too mad at how this one came out either!!

Happy Challenges!! Remember, it's all about fun!

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